Study at your workplace

Participants complete their studies at the workplace they are employed at. The programs combine a mixture of on and off-the-job tuition, presentations and student participation methods. Each student will be trained and monitored by our workplace trainer / assessors, with a minimum of monthly visits to their workplace. Workplace training may be undertaken one-on-one or in small groups.

All tuition will take place on the client’s premises. To ensure the effectiveness of the training sessions, and to encourage each participant to participate in a well-designed and develop training program, on-the-job classes will consist of employees within the same workplace. These restrictions will maximise trainer/student interaction on course material. Trainee feedback and student evaluations will be considered in modifying and improving courses.

Tasks will be set throughout the course (by the trainer) for each student that relate to the course structure for practice and formative assessment. All on the job observation assessments will be conducted by an AIBT assessor at the client’s premises.

Each unit will be linked to day-to-day practical tasks to assist the students to reflect and appreciate the relevance to their vocational requirements. The design of each session will include subject matter that is tangible, and relates to the workplace environment.

Where possible to achieve flexibility in the application of assessment tasks, it is advised that assessment tasks are contextualised to the output requirements of the clients immediate work environment but remain within the bounds of the requirements of the specific unit being undertaken.

Note: participants are required to have the approval of their employing organisation to undertake this type of study. AIBT will conduct an onsite visit and discuss an appropriate training plan with the organisations representative and the participant to see how the program can be tailored to benefit all stakeholders

Study On-line

Online training is a training style that allows for students to have access to their course resources at all times and be able to submit their course assessment online direct to their trainer. It allows for flexibility with students training plans allowing for those who cannot take time out of their work life to study and be up-skilled.

Participants will have access to support staff to assist in answering their questions, for clarification of material, and to receive feedback on progress and assessment tasks. During their enrolment participants will also have access to support staff that can assist them in relation to all aspects of their enrolment outside of training and assessment.

Study through distance learning

Participants undertake distance learning in their own environment through self-driven study.

The Course Guide will direct them to read through the unit content, undertake the formative practice assessment activities within the workbook, and complete the summative assessments at the end of each Unit of Competence. Assessments will be submitted via mail or email dependent on the individual’s preference.

Participants will have access to support staff to assist in answering their questions, for clarification of material, and to receive feedback on progress and assessment tasks. During their enrolment participants will also have access to support staff that can assist them in relation to all aspects of their enrolment outside of training and assessment.